Post by Mike MPost by AAHI am trying to find free version of Fire Wall
for WindowsMe not very completed and compact in size?
Thanks for help?
Personally I feel a firewall to be unnecessary since you are behind
your Home Hub firewall. So sorry I don't have sufficient experience
to recommend a suitable free offering for Win Me but you may want to
have a look at Comodo which I think still supports Win Me. Shane,
Noel or one of the other regulars will probably be able to provide a
more useful suggestion.
I checked the requirements for Comodo earlier, Mike, and it only mentioned
NT versions. Personally I'd use Kerio 2.1.5 still were I still running Me
According to Secunia there are one or two vulnerabilities in 2.1.5 that, of
course, are never going to be addressed now, but my own feeling is if you're
online with a 9x version today, you need to learn to type with fingers
crossed anyway.
I supposed AAH meant 'complicated' rather than 'completed' and wonder what
*that* requirement is specifically. Of course one could still get versions
of ZoneAlarm that support 9x, too, e.g. on, though I suspect
they are more vulnerable than Kerio 2.1.5, today. I seem to recall you had
the choice - not that I ever used it - to install ZA in a 'novice'
configuration. Otherwise both require you to allow or deny access, and both
in my experience had glitches that required 'expert'-ise to fix, though
Kerio, if the config files had been backed up, was easiest to debuggerize.
And I still have my batch that backed the config up every boot.
I'll respond to your other replies on the morrow, Mike. I've been
rearranging partitions (to put W7 back - purely out of boredom!). I
have just finished resizing and now have 14 partitions on 2 disks and as
Rosie has just announced her return, I'm going to bed!